Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
White On White Crime? MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Hits Conservatives by Pointing to the Epidemic of White-on-White Crime | Black Blue Dog
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
My Perfect Life
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
A different way to build a cane.
Watch "Polymer clay cane - Sprite/Pixel Cane tutorial." on YouTube
I was watching nuttermom on YouTube and she made a pixelated Pacman cane. She made it in response to a video posted by TheBroodingTom. I went to his channel and was very impressed by his sculptures. But his sprite heart cane captured my imagination. With this technique it will finally be possible for me to easily build letter, number, astrological, and Adinkra canes. I can't wait to get new clays to play.
Monday, February 4, 2013
My truth
Today was one like any other. I woke up. Read my morning blogs while drinking coffee. I then viewed tutorials on many arts and crafts. I played with my son. I sat in the sun. I laughed. I argued. And now I am in bed. Many folks would see a lack of substance in my day. They would see a woman who does nothing all day living the height of ease. I would look at those people and laugh. My life is rich and full.
There are so many moments of unexplainable joy. How can you understand how I feel just to see the variety of smiles my son displays? The only way you could is if you have experienced the same awe and wonder. The only way is if you have been caught in that heart stopping moment of total love.
Some may see my time on the internet as a waste of time. I see it as a way to gain new knowledge. I see it as a way to educate myself as I see fit. If I feel like a Micro Torch Class one day then I can find one. (I found a free one on Kate Richbourg is the instructor.) If I feel like trying to wrap my brain around metaphysics as a philosopy, then there is a place for me in this world wide web. I am only limited by my desires because anything I want to know is at my fingertips. The joy of accessing what was once denied cannot be measured.
The joy of sitting in the sun is celebratory. Being from my neighborhood means a lot of my peers can't do that. So for the lost ones I allow the sun to caress my skin. I allow the breeze to whisper its secrets to me. I thank the trees for standing and showing me how to do the same. I share laughs with the bees because there are many who can't laugh. I celebrate the life the Universe has given me every day. Maybe you can't understand. I sure can't explain.
Everyday I celebrate life. What you may see as mundane, I recognize as miraculous. I know how easy it could all be over. I've seen it end in the old, the young, the healthy, the sick, in the sensitive and the hardened, the happy and the sad. I know that eventually the ride will stop and I'll be forced to get off. Until that day I will cherish every breath, every moment, every aggravation, and every triumph. Don't pity my boring life; help me celebrate the miracles of everyday life. Enjoy the breeze. Laugh with a kid (in my case I can laugh with 6 of mine on a daily basis). Drink coffee or whatever you want. (Just remember if you are drinking before noon you alcoholic,LOL.)
Laugh...a lot. Argue... not as much. Love learning. Be grateful for waking up every morning. But most of all see the beauty of the mundane. Those are the moments when life is being lived.