Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

White On White Crime? MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Hits Conservatives by Pointing to the Epidemic of White-on-White Crime | Black Blue Dog

Lately, there has been a conversation going on in America about crime. It exploded during the George Zimmerman trial. On one hand, you have those bemoaning the apparent lack of equality in the criminal justice world. They point to the statistics of how often minorities are tried and convicted as opposed to those who are recognized as the “majority”. They also point to the harsher penalties that are handed down to those “minorities” as opposed to the “majority”. They say it points to the institutionalized racism that is entrenched in American society. They are demanding a change to the laws that disproportionately affect minorities and the poor (which can be one in the same). They feel that a white person can get away with murdering a brown or black skinned person. They feel that the system is saying their sons lives are worthless and they are demanding accountability and justice. On the other side are those saying that as long as 96% of Blacks are being killed by other Blacks then they should just shut up. They trot out the term “Black on Black crime” (BoBc for the rest of this posting). They say fix your problems within your own community before you rail against the “so-called” issues within American society. They imply or flat out state that those who are calling out the justice system don’t have the same fervor when BoBc occurs. They imply that as long as the minority community doesn’t care what happens amongst its members then we have no say in how the world views the community as a whole. These same people use BoBc as a weapon. You see it from the O’Reillys, Hannitys, and Nugents. You even get it from the Lemons. But those same people get very quiet when you point out that most crime is statistically intra racial. Such as Whites are killed by Whites 84% of the time. Yet you never hear the term White on White crime or Chinese on Chinese crime. Those are just crimes. Until now, I read this article about Chris Hayes and his appearance on TV. I was amazed by his approach. I applaud his efforts to get people to understand that the media is complicit in this debate by what they choose to air. If all you hear is that green elephants with pink polka dots are dangerous but pink elephants with green polka dots are safe and friendly that will be your point of view. I believe that crime is crime, no matter who commits it. I know that the laws are applied more harshly to those with more melanin. I think that it is mostly due to the misperception being fostered in society that minority males are more dangerous just because they are minority. I know that there is a whole host of things going on that contribute to criminal activity. I also know that as Americans we cannot sit back and be mute when our government entities engage in bigotry. I will speak up and out. And from now on, whenever someone tries to shut down the conversation by trotting out BoBc, I will counter with statistics about White on White crime.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013


Sometimes in life we suffer loss and grief. Some people seem strong and unshakeable. Others quiver and shake like gelatin treats. But we all will go through it. This past month has shaken me to my core. In a week's time, my Aunt died, we buried her, my sister went into labor 4 months early, the baby died within 3 days of being born, my son became suicidal and had to be committed for his own safety and then I went to the baby's funeral. At the time I was going through this I did not know how I would make it to the other side. Now that I look back, I see that it was more about determination than strength. I got up every morning and put my feet on the floor. I followed those steps with other steps until they led me back to my bed at night. Each day that I did that everything became easier to face. I don't know what comes next but I know that I will have the determination to face it. I say all of this to say, you don't have to be a superhero (although that would be totally cool) you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will eventually make it to your destination. Originally published on Eccentric and Bent on 7-24-2012

My Perfect Life

I have had people talk about my perfect life. They compliment my perfect marriage or my awesome children. They tell me that they wish they could be a "Kept Woman" or a "Woman of Leisure". I just look at them and wonder what in the hell they are talking about. Just because I am happy in my life does not mean that it is perfect. It just means I am satisfied that things are going as well as can be expected. My husband and I will be married for 18 years in August and we have been together for almost 20 years. That does not mean we have a perfect marriage, that just means we have worked through the bullshit that could tear us apart. I love this man with all my heart. I would not trade him for another husband. But that does not mean that he doesn't work my last nerve. He is a neat freak and I am not. I would probably be a hoarder or at least a serious pack rat if he didn't keep throwing my shit away. He reads my fucking journal because he wants to know what I am thinking when I don't feel like talking about it. I know I get on his nerves. My mouth is filthy and caustic. I don't think before I speak and therefore some of the shit I say makes me cringe. He accepted that I left in our 7th year of marriage and had a child outside of our marriage. He gave my child his name, love, and fatherhood. So while not perfect it is still a great relationship. My kids are awesome but they are still assholes. I mean I am their mother. Yes they are honor roll students but that just makes it easier for them to be smart asses. I have one who has chosen to be homeless at 17. He has spent time locked up for tresspassing. I am on probation right now because he is an habitual truant. He uses any and all drugs that come his way. I love him with all of my heart but I don't like his ass. I hope that one day this will change but I don't know. I have a 20 year old who is spoiled beyond belief. I don't see her and her girlfriend getting their own spot anytime soon. My 14 year old keeps trying to tackle me because he wants to prove his gangsta. ( He is taller and more muscular than I am, so it pisses him off that I am still stronger and quicker. That is left over from my time as a hoodrat gangbanger.) My 12 year old is a sarcastic motherfucker that makes me want to break my rule about calling folks "bitches". I have a 10 year old who has regressed in behavior due to the fact that I had another boy 18 months ago. And my 8 year old has split personalities like the Gemini she is. I also have two dogs and two hermit crabs. These motherfuckers keep me on my toes 24/7 because if I slip, it will be mutiny. I say all of this to say no one's life is perfect. Everyone has issues and stresses. Some people just choose to focus on the great parts. I am one of those. I love my life and would not change it for anything. Not even to have a perfect life because where would the fun be in that?


I decided earlier this year that I would start to take my crafts more seriously. One of the items on my list was my writing. That is why I am trying to take my blogging more seriously. To that end I have started following some writing blogs. One of the writing prompts that I received today came from The Daily Post as a weekly challenge. The the prompt was to write about something divisive. I immediately thought that I would write about something near and dear to my heart, "Race". As an American who is also Black, race is part of my daily life. Even when I am not actively thinking about race and the issues that come with it, it is a part of my day. People will interact with me based on their preconceptions. One of the easiest ways to categorize me, after gender, is by the color of my skin and the kink of my hair. And we all know that humans like to take the easy way. Hell, I do it too. I have preconceived notions based on a person's skin and hair. I automatically assume that the peach colored chick with the sandy blonde silky tresses is not Black. I automatically assume that the dude with Dreadlocks and Mocha skin is Black. I would approach them with these notions in my head. I know that there is chance that I am wrong in both cases, for I have met Latinos who look black and Blacks who look White. I also know that "race" is a purely sociological and psychological construct invented to prove the superiority of Europe over the rest of the world. Yet, the talk of "race" does not offend me. I am more offended by those who claim to be "color blind". By you choosing to be an enlightened liberal, you are taking away my ability to speak my truth. You don't see race, so how can you see me being followed around a store when I am doing nothing more than trying to find a way to spend my money? If you don't see race, how can you see the inequality in education? How can you see that the media contributes to institutionalized racism? How can you even see the institutionalized racism? You are color blind so when I mention an injustice based on race you say I am throwing out the race card. This is not a game so why would I throw out a card? There have been books written about the color blind phenomenon. Most of them agree when Blacks say that something is racist, Whites deny it. But if the same topic is reviewed by another White person it is like a veil is lifted from the eyes of the others. I am not bitter just aware that this is my lot in life. I can either embrace race or try to pretend it does not exist. I choose to embrace race. I define my race as Black American (sometimes Negro American). I am not African American. I am not dissing Africa or Africans because those are my "cousins". It is just that I have never been to Africa. I have not spent a lot of time around the different varieties of people from Africa. I have a few friends on FB that are Naija or from S. Africa. I was raised in a family that stressed learning all of the history I am entitled to have. I know that I share history from the African Continent but my experience and life has been purely American. As such I would not feel right claiming something that is not totally mines. I claim America as my own because I am the perfect example of America. I an admixture of a few cultures, but I am most definitely Black. I am proud of the accomplishments of the Americans who look like me. I try to be good example of Americans who look like me. I am raising my children to be the best examples they can be. I am instilling in them a sense of pride for their brown skin and kinky hair. I let them know that they should be Black and Proud. I know I am. What else can I be.

HeLa has touched every life that has had medical treatment since the early part of the 20th century.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A different way to build a cane.

Watch "Polymer clay cane - Sprite/Pixel Cane tutorial." on YouTube
I was watching nuttermom on YouTube and she made a pixelated Pacman cane. She made it in response to a video posted by TheBroodingTom. I went to his channel and was very impressed by his sculptures. But his sprite heart cane captured my imagination. With this technique it will finally be possible for me to easily build letter, number, astrological, and Adinkra canes. I can't wait to get new clays to play.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My truth

Today was one like any other. I woke up. Read my morning blogs while drinking coffee. I then viewed tutorials on many arts and crafts. I played with my son. I sat in the sun. I laughed. I argued. And now I am in bed. Many folks would see a lack of substance in my day. They would see a woman who does nothing all day living the height of ease. I would look at those people and laugh. My life is rich and full.
There are so many moments of unexplainable joy. How can you understand how I feel just to see the variety of smiles my son displays? The only way you could is if you have experienced the same awe and wonder. The only way is if you have been caught in that heart stopping moment of total love.
Some may see my time on the internet as a waste of time. I see it as a way to gain new knowledge. I see it as a way to educate myself as I see fit. If I feel like a Micro Torch Class one day then I can find one. (I found a free one on Kate Richbourg is the instructor.) If I feel like trying to wrap my brain around metaphysics as a philosopy, then there is a place for me in this world wide web. I am only limited by my desires because anything I want to know is at my fingertips. The joy of accessing what was once denied cannot be measured.
The joy of sitting in the sun is celebratory. Being from my neighborhood means a lot of my peers can't do that. So for the lost ones I allow the sun to caress my skin. I allow the breeze to whisper its secrets to me. I thank the trees for standing and showing me how to do the same. I share laughs with the bees because there are many who can't laugh. I celebrate the life the Universe has given me every day. Maybe you can't understand. I sure can't explain.
Everyday I celebrate life. What you may see as mundane, I recognize as miraculous. I know how easy it could all be over. I've seen it end in the old, the young, the healthy, the sick, in the sensitive and the hardened, the happy and the sad. I know that eventually the ride will stop and I'll be forced to get off. Until that day I will cherish every breath, every moment, every aggravation, and every triumph. Don't pity my boring life; help me celebrate the miracles of everyday life. Enjoy the breeze. Laugh with a kid (in my case I can laugh with 6 of mine on a daily basis). Drink coffee or whatever you want. (Just remember if you are drinking before noon you alcoholic,LOL.)
Laugh...a lot. Argue... not as much. Love learning. Be grateful for waking up every morning. But most of all see the beauty of the mundane. Those are the moments when life is being lived.

Friday, February 1, 2013


I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, crafter, writer, and general crackpot. I do my best to be a good citizen, (it's harder than it looks when you want to gut punch 85.9562% of the people you encounter). I spread love and sarcasm generously. My favorite color is blue. I love long walks at sunset. And none of this is important. It is just to illustrate I will write about whatever captures my thoughts. Most of the time that will be crafting, my family, (did I mention I am the mother of seven beautiful savages?), my dog, and the color blue. Other times it may be my views on politics or religion. No matter what I write about I hope it entertains, enlightens, or just pisses you off. In other words I hope my musings give you something you didn't have before. So come back and visit me from time to time. Have a great day.